I don't remember when I started this Blog. It was really just an experiment to see what it was like. Of course the fact that it was free made that more appealing. Not having anything creative to say, I began posting sermons that were already appearing on our Sermons4Kids web site. I only updated it about once or twice a year! Not much of an incentive for anyone to follow our blog. Well, I still don't know what direction we will take, but we either need to change what we are doing or abandon ship, so if you have any ideas, let me know. You can offer feedback through the contact page on the sermons4kids.com web site.
Social media is all the rage these days. Sermons4Kids has a Facebook page, a Twitter page, and a YouTube page, but I'm not too sure I do much better with those than I do with this Blog. I had a meeting last week with the College Minister at my church and enlisted his help in finding an intern. We are looking for someone with technical savvy and a heart for ministry to help us in managing our Social Media. I pray that the Lord will send just the right person to fill that job just like he sent someone to translate our lessons into Spanish and someone to create group activities to enhance our Sermons4Kids lessons. God is good at finding people!
Stay tuned and we will see where this Blog takes us.