This past Sunday, our pastor reminded us that it was only two weeks until Christmas. It started me to thinking, "What special things could we do to bring more meaning to the final ten days of the Countdown to Christmas?" Here are some of the ideas I came up with.
10 - Raid the pantry and gather a sack of canned goods and take them to your church food pantry.
9 - Go to a store that has a Salvation Army bell ringer and make a donation—then leave without going into the store.
8 - Take a few small gifts to a shelter for women and children.
7 - Leave a gift at a neighbor's front door.
6 - Visit a home for the elderly and hand out homemade cookies.
5 - Write a letter to a member of the military who is stationed overseas.
4 - Watch a favorite Christmas movie with your family.
3 - Put on Christmas music and listen to it all day long.
2 - Have a family night out with dinner and a movie.
1 - Attend Christmas Eve services.
You may have some better ideas of your own. Whatever you choose to do, make it a time when you think of others rather than thinking about yourself. It will bring the true meaning of Christmas into focus.