In late January 2014, Sermons4Kids announced the launch of mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. While it may not be earth shaking, we hope it will be another tool which those in children's ministry will find helpful. In the month of January, there were 41,607 users who accessed our web site using a tablet and 39,565 using a mobile device. That is more than 81,000 users! By introducing mobile apps, we are trying to reach out to those users and to keep up with trends in technology. I was somewhat surprised by the reaction of some who thought that this move meant that they would no longer receive their Sermon of the Week by email. Let me emphasize that nothing has changed the way we have done things in the past. These mobile apps are merely an additional tool for you to use.
No doubt, there will be some glitches in our app. This is new territory for us and it is a learning process. I hope you will be patient as we move into this new area of technology. When I look back on our first web site, it was pretty ugly, but I think it has evolved into a pretty useful tool for those who work with children.
What can you do with the new app? Well suppose you work in Children's Church and one of your co-workers calls you on your iPhone and says, "I need a lesson for the first Sunday in Lent. Open up your Sermons4Kids app, and click on Sermons, choose Lectionary Yr A, click on Lent and there you will find a couple of sermons for the first Sunday in Lent. Choose one of the sermons and at the top of the sermon page, you will see a button which will allow you to send an email link for that sermon to your co-worker.
If you have the ability to air print from your mobile device, you can print sermons, coloring pages, or puzzles directly from your device. If you don't have an air-print printer there are also apps such as the HP e_Print which will allow you to print from you mobile device whether you are at home, in your office, or on the go.
As with all Sermons4Kids services, the mobile app is free. Sermons4Kids is supported entirely by the voluntary donations of those who use our services and feel that our ministry is worthy of their support. If you find our Sermons4Kids helpful, won't you please consider making a donation? Visit our web site for more information about how to make a donation.
We hope you find our mobile apps helpful to you in your ministry to children.