I was quite surprised when, during the first week of September, I received a couple of emails through the Sermons4Kids website, asking me if we had any Christmas plays for children. Now I like to plan ahead, but I must confess that in the first week of September I haven't even given a thought to planning for Christmas. Not only that, but I would still have to answer, "No" had the question come in the first week of October or November, because I actually have never even written a Christmas play.
My immediate reaction to these emails was to Google the Internet for "free Christmas Skits for children." The very first site on the search results was Sunday School Center. When I clicked the link, I knew I had found a winner. The site not only had a gold mine of Christmas skits, but it also had skits on many different subjects. I wholeheartedly recommend this site to you for your children's ministry. It isn't just skits. Sunday School Center also has other helpful suggestions for children's ministry such as games, Sunday School lessons, and teacher training. I highly recommend this site to anyone who is involved in children's ministry.
I did find some excellent material on some other sites. Here are some others you might want to check out.
- Christmas Games and Crafts - A Babe Was Born on Christmas Morn
- A Mom's Take - The Savior's Birth - A Nativity Skit
- Ministry to Children - 12 Symbols of Christmas
Another suggestion I would offer is the Sermons4Kids Facebook page. Our Social Media Ami Watson, our Social Media Strategist, will be posting ideas that she finds and also posts from those who follow us on Facebook. You will find a host of ministry ideas there!
Gods blessing upon you all as you minister to children. Not just at Christmas, but all year 'round!